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RedCloudBio Co settles in Taizhou medical innovation center

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: February 29, 2024

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The Peking University Health Science Center (Taizhou) Pharmaceutical and Health Industry Innovation Center is already proving to be a hotbed of breakthroughs. [Photo/WeChat ID: weigg6666]

RedCloudBio Co Ltd – a cutting-edge drug research and development enterprise that focuses on structural pharmacology – settled in the Peking University Health Science Center (Taizhou) Pharmaceutical and Health Industry Innovation Center in February.

The center is located in Taizhou city in East China's Jiangsu province, while RedCloudBio is the first Class 1 innovative pharma enterprise in the field of chemical medicines to settle there. Class 1 new drugs are those that have never been marketed in China or abroad.

Boasting a world-class founding research team with over a decade of collaboration and complementary experience, RedCloudBio works at developing innovative drugs targeting tumor-resistant targets. Its first pipeline H002 project was approved for clinical use in China and the United States in January 2022.

The innovation center, which opened its doors in October last year, is a provincial-level research institution jointly established by the Peking University Health Science Center and the Taizhou municipal government.

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